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It won't be long before the World and all that I possess will be
given richly to My Children –
Oh, how I long for that Day of Truth.
It will not only avail much, but fulfill the longing that has tugged at My Heart down through the ages.
Is it surprising to you that I wait so with such anticipation for it’s coming.

Do you see a Father, a Dad, who longs – yearns-
for that
hour that will fulfill His greatest dream.

Telling these things to My children who are close to Me gives
Me great delight…
I know that you will not see what I long for you all to see - which grieves
My Heart in this matter. Don’t say that it is impossible to
comprehend. Allow Me show you by My Spirit all things that I
am doing. This takes patience and selflessness-
seeking for Me
above self-
above anything else.

It won’t be long and you will see the fruits of your labors in this.
Trust Me to take you there -to make an abode with thee. It isn’t
possible in the flesh, but it is with the Spirit. It will not accomplish what man desires, but what I desire. It will bear much fruit in you
and set you free of the urgings of this world.
If you want to be free, set your course to walk with Me.
I will come and truly amaze you-
life with Me, My children, is Glorious.

Your Daddy