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Poised to do battle is what My saints must be.
It isn’t easy to see yourselves this way.  To see
the enemy is advancing and you are to stand 
your ground.  It matters not what he does.  It 
matters most what you do.

If you retreat, then he gains the momentum 
and you feel ashamed, even betrayed.  You are
not to let him discourage you in anyway.  It will 
not be necessary to provide him an explanation.  
just turn your eyes on Me, your Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ, and he will vanish from your mind 
and heart.

Be at peace with me and poised for each day with
Me.  I will instruct you daily and keep you safe
from the enemy as you prevail with Me.  I am 
anxious to begin my descent into this world and 
conquer this present age by force.  It will usher
in the kingdom, which I shall establish by My 
Father’s Hand.  If you think about that kingdom
to come, you will be greatly encouraged and this
life will not seem so overwhelming.

I love you My children…. Be at rest in Me.