The next time that you think of Me, Smile.
The next time that you go to sleep upon your pillow,
call out to Me and I will embrace you with My love.
The next time you speak to someone, ask Me to show
you what to say or do.
Perhaps this is much like a little child and his loving mother.
The mother is older and wiser takes care of the child who is very
young and not yet ready to care for himself.
I AM like this mother. You are like this child.
You need to be filled with My wisdom and guilded into My ways.
This I will do when you come to Me and abide in Me.
I will take you like this child and mold you into My likeness –
that of your parent.
What a time to be alive My children.
Don’t take this time as a time of grieving over your
inabilities and shortcomings, but rather as a time to
bear fruit and become My humble child who waits for
his loving mother to show them the next step.
Obedience is never easy, but it becomes easier when you
love the one who is doing the leading.
The next time you are fearful and discouraged, just look
up at My Face and see the love I have for you.
This love will keep you
through all your days and all your trials.
You can depend on Me to
keep you always if you only but come unto Me for all and all.
Love, Your Daddy