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Tomorrow is like today except it hasn’t been born yet. 
You get tomorrow when you have lived out today.
Tomorrow is the promise that I give you at the end 
of your day.

It can’t be manufactured by any other.
It can’t be duplicated.
I Am the controller of time-
and eternity.

If it wasn’t for My Father’s love for His children, time
would not exist for each would be a torment for Him
to witness.
He allows that day and night prevail for His children
Think of that.

You have that place of honor and love in His heart,
that all this was provided for your care.
His love saw to it that you would have His provision 
made each day that you live on this earth.
It is called tomorrow.

There will always be a tomorrow for His child –
He calls it eternity.
His plan and promise is that you will live with Him 
forever in His Kingdom as His child.
Not a bad promise.

What a loving Father.

What a truth to be pondered and expounded on.

You must see this and delight as one who is a partaker
of it My children.
Rejoice in Me.