Nicely done is My brave children who prevail with Me, who comfort Me this day.
It brings joy unspeakable to My Heart.
I am at the door of your heart looking in and piercing it with My love.
It becomes supple in My hands and not hard and haughty, but soft and pliable.
It will be much more willing to be long-suffering, patient and full of mercy.
What a choice piece of Myself you become when Your heart has been moved by Me,
changed by Me, operated by Me.
The Spirit knows no bounds when such an operation takes place within My Lambs,
My precious sons and daughters.
It brings newness of life and you bring joy unspeakable to this dying world.
I bring you a heart that longs after Me and you, in turn,
ask for many to be set free of the same heart
it is likened to a beautiful union of one another in Me as a "heaven on earth".
What is it that you desire most from Me?
Is it not My love-
then you shall have it in abundance.
Ask and you shall receive it this day and forever more.