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The heavens declare the Glory of the Lord. His Majesty is beyond comprehension. To whom can we compare thee Lord. Who is your equal? The rarest diamond cannot compare with You nor even the purest of gold.

Your holiness is not equaled in all the earth and Your goodness is without measure.
You are the centerpiece and masterpiece of life itself-
life would not be worth living if You were not in it.

What of Your tender mercies? Are they not like gold or fine gems. What is higher than Your love and mercy? Nothing.
Nothing is higher or more valuable to receive than these.

Your son, Jesus, is the Bright and Morning Star, Your Spirit is Strong Truth, and You, Oh Father, are the Masterpiece-
You shine Your love down through them and draw us to Yourself.

You gave us Your name, Your home, Your love. You make us Your very own sons and daughters by adoption and breath your life into us.

How magnificent and loving you are, Oh Precious One – so giving, forgiving and righteous. Your children love You dearly and desire You above all else. How can we resist a one such as Thee.

Wash us and cleanse us, Oh Lord, daily for we long to be ever close to You and filled full of You.